User Stories
Someone wants to support a cause they care about
This user wants to publicly support a cause they are passionate about. They want to raise awareness for the cause and, if possible, help further this cause by collecting donations.
User creates a ¢Change account
User is prompted to add a payment source and start a ¢Change balance so they can support charities themselves.
User searches for the campaign (or similar campaigns) they want to support
User creates a post for this campaign by uploading a photo that can communicate their support
User shares this photo to their existing social networks
Someone wants to give support to charities in general
This user feels a desire to do more to support the people and causes in their community or around the world, but doesn’t have a concise idea of how to get involved. This user might also want to get their friends involved.
User creates a ¢Change account
User is prompted to add a payment source and start a ¢Change balance so they can support charities themselves.
User uploads a photo they want to garner support with
User swipes through featured or local campaigns until they find something they are interested in, and then creates the post
User shares this photo to their existing social networks
Someone is moved to learn more about a cause their friend is passionate about
This user notices a ¢Change post on their social network feed, and is intrigued about what their friend is supporting with this post.
User clicks on a ¢Change post
User views the post page
User clicks on the campaign banner to learn more about the campaign
Someone is moved to donate to a cause their friend is passionate about
This user notices a ¢Change post on their social network feed and wants add to the support for this campaign.
User clicks on a ¢Change post
User view the post page, and clicks to make a donation
User is prompted to create an account, and then prompted to add a payment source
User is prompted to select an amount they want to add to their ¢Change account balance (this is a minimum amount)
User is returned to the original post, and can complete the donation
Someone wants to support causes of a certain kind or within their community
This user wants to do more charitable giving, and is interested in learning more about not only what causes exist but who supports these causes.
User creates a ¢Change account
User is prompted to add a payment source and start a ¢Change balance so they can support charities.
User browses for ongoing campaigns and donates to these campaigns OR users browses for recent or local posts and donates to the campaigns these posts supports
A charity wants to increase publicity about their causes and raise money for their cause
This user helps run and manage a non-profit and wants to garner support using ¢Change.
User requests an invitation to ¢Change.
ADMIN: ¢Change administrators review the user’s charity, and potentially invite the user to join.
User clicks a link in the invitation email and is prompted to create an account with their information and the name of their charity.
User finishes setting up their charity’s profile by adding a description and their charity’s logo.
User creates a campaign which ¢Change users can support. They add a name, description, and any photos that will help draw support for their campaign.
A charity wants to increase trust with their donors by communicating about the work they do
Existing charity user logs in to their account
User chooses an ongoing campaign and creates a simple text update for this campaign.
A charity wants to control the content that is publicly associated with their brand
Existing charity user logs in to their account
User navigates to a view where posts supporting their campaign are listed.
User can flag posts they think are inappropriate, and these posts will be removed from the ¢Change network* OR user can select posts they want to be displayed on their profile or campaign page. *Posts removed from the ¢Change network cannot be automatically removed from the other social networks they have been shared to.