COMP 523.602


Sprint Two

Functional Spec

User Types



Admin Dashboard - Administrators can invite charities to join cChange with an email address and their admin credentials - an email with a link contained a charity token will be sent to this email address.
API Calls: /charityToken.create

Log In - Form to accept email and password, allows users and charity users to start an authenticated session.
API Calls: /user.login

Charity Signup - Form to accept a user’s name, email and password, as well as the name of their charity. This page will only function correctly if it is accessed with a link containing a non-expired, unused charity token.
API Calls: /

Edit Charity Profile - This edit view allows charity users to update their charity’s logo, name and description. The charity logo must be able to be cropped to a square.
API Calls: /charity, /charity.edit, /charity.logo

Create / Edit Campaign - This view allows a charity to create a new campaign or update an existing one. This view has a form with a name field, description field, and photo-management section. Photos uploaded to this page cannot be cropped.
API Calls: /campaign, /campaign.edit

Test Plan


Test Cases

Create user account


  1. Navigate to cChange website
  2. Click on Create Account
  3. Fill out fields with email: , password: , name:
  4. Navigate to login
  5. Login using predefined email and password

Expected Result:

  1. Site redirects to profile page displaying correct account name

Create charity account


  1. Generate new token from using password: password1 and email:
  2. Navigate to cchange website
  3. Click on Create Account
  4. Fill out fields with email:, password:, name:, and predefined token
  5. Navigate to login
  6. Login using predefined email password
  7. Use charity name: when prompted

Expected Result:

  1. Site redirects to profile page displaying correct account name, charity name, and charity editing widget

Edit charity


  1. Navigate to cchange website
  2. login with Charity account email: and password:
  3. Click on edit charity
  4. Replace description with “”

Expected Result:

  1. Component are populated with correct information as AJAX call returns

Front-end Design Docs

Back-end Design Docs

User Manual

API Manual

Administrator Manual

API Installation

Clone the repository git clone

Set up the repository npm install - installs required packages

Create a config.js file for your environment

modules.exports = {
  'ip': "<Static IP or localhost (>",
  'port': "<any unused port>",
  'database': "mongodb://<dbuser>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/<dbname>",
  'secret': "<auth secret key>",
  'adminPassword': "<password for admin panel>",
  'sendGrid': "<SendGrid API key>",
  'fromEmail': "<email to send mail as>"

Run the server node server.js

React Installation

Clone the repository git clone

Setup the repository npm install - installs required packages

Create a production build npm run build

Admin Installation

Clone the repository git clone

Inviting charity users

  1. Visit ([]
  2. Enter the email address of a contact from the charity you are trying to invite
  3. Enter the admin credentials you set up when creating the API config
  4. Press send