Sprint Two
Functional Spec
User Types
- Visiting users
- Users
- Charity users
- Visitors can view charities, campaigns, and updates, as well as the posts and profiles of other users.
- Users can create account, edit their profile, make posts, make donations, manage their bank settings, and view their donation history.
- Charity users can create an account with secure approval, manage their charity, create and edit campaigns, create and edit updates, approve and flag posts, manage their bank settings, and view their donation history.
Admin Dashboard - Administrators can invite charities to join cChange with an email address and their admin credentials - an email with a link contained a charity token will be sent to this email address.
API Calls: /charityToken.create
Log In - Form to accept email and password, allows users and charity users to start an authenticated session.
API Calls: /user.login
Charity Signup - Form to accept a user’s name, email and password, as well as the name of their charity. This page will only function correctly if it is accessed with a link containing a non-expired, unused charity token.
API Calls: /user.create.charity
Edit Charity Profile - This edit view allows charity users to update their charity’s logo, name and description. The charity logo must be able to be cropped to a square.
API Calls: /charity, /charity.edit, /charity.logo
Create / Edit Campaign - This view allows a charity to create a new campaign or update an existing one. This view has a form with a name field, description field, and photo-management section. Photos uploaded to this page cannot be cropped.
API Calls: /campaign, /campaign.edit
Test Plan
- Edge
- Chrome
- Firefox
Test Cases
Create user account
- Navigate to cChange website
- Click on Create Account
- Fill out fields with email: , password: , name:
- Navigate to login
- Login using predefined email and password
Expected Result:
- Site redirects to profile page displaying correct account name
Create charity account
- Generate new token from admin.cchange.ga using password: password1 and email:
- Navigate to cchange website
- Click on Create Account
- Fill out fields with email:, password:, name:, and predefined token
- Navigate to login
- Login using predefined email password
- Use charity name: when prompted
Expected Result:
- Site redirects to profile page displaying correct account name, charity name, and charity editing widget
Edit charity
- Navigate to cchange website
- login with Charity account email: and password:
- Click on edit charity
- Replace description with “”
Expected Result:
- Component are populated with correct information as AJAX call returns
Front-end Design Docs
Back-end Design Docs
User Manual
API Manual
Administrator Manual
API Installation
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/comp523-602/cchange-api.git
Set up the repository
npm install
- installs required packages
Create a config.js file for your environment
modules.exports = {
'ip': "<Static IP or localhost (>",
'port': "<any unused port>",
'database': "mongodb://<dbuser>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>/<dbname>",
'secret': "<auth secret key>",
'adminPassword': "<password for admin panel>",
'sendGrid': "<SendGrid API key>",
'fromEmail': "<email to send mail as>"
Run the server
node server.js
React Installation
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/comp523-602/cchange-App.git
Setup the repository
npm install
- installs required packages
Create a production build
npm run build
Admin Installation
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/comp523-602/cchange-admin.git
Inviting charity users
- Visit (admin.cchange.ga)[http://admin.cchange.ga/]
- Enter the email address of a contact from the charity you are trying to invite
- Enter the admin credentials you set up when creating the API config
- Press send